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6th Grade Math

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In Math, students must be able to divide with decimals and fractions, evaluate expressions with variables and exponents, and work with factors, multiples, and the coordinate plane. Additionally, students will have to accomplish some of these skills WITHOUT the use of a calculator.

Teachers work with students on a daily basis, unpacking assessment data and providing targeted support for students who have not yet mastered the required content. eCLASS pages are updated with resources, including practice assessments and writing prompts -- all as part of regular instruction.

In sixth grade, students must score at least 525+ for Proficient OR 580+ for Distinguished on the Math GMAS. In addition to meeting scoring requirements, ALL students are expected to show growth from the previous year’s testing.

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A proficient learner can...

A distinguished learner can...

understand ratios as numerical comparisons

use ratio and proportional reasoning to solve problems

divide with decimals

divide fractions by decimals and fractions

divide fractions by fractions

analyze multidigit computation in real-world contexts

find least common multiples and greatest common factors

compare expressions with variables and exponents

order rational numbers

interpret expressions, equations, and inequalities in real-world contexts

plot points in all four quadrants

solve multistep, real-world problems with polygon areas and volume of 3D figures

evaluate expressions with variables and exponents

determine and explain the appropriate measure of center or variability based on the shape of data and the context of the problem

write simple inequalities


solve word problems involving area, surface area, and volume


find the length of a polygon in the coordinate plane


relate measures of center and measures of spread


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  • Mark your calendars! Attendance is crucial during the weeks leading up to and including the GMAS exams.
  • Know the numbers! If your student has failed to meet grade-level expectations in past years, help them prepare at home. Challenge your proficient student to move to distinguished!
  • Ask questions! Ask your student how they are preparing and how you can help. Remind them of resources!
  • Believe! GMAS is one indicator of learning – and it is powerful. Talk to your child’s teacher if you have questions.

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Check out these resources from the Georgia Department of Education regarding GMAS:

Want to help your student be their best?

Ask your child about using i-Ready, Khan Academy, QuiziZz and more! Some of these tools are available through the student portal.

Be sure to check your child's eClass pages for updates from teachers.